The Influence of Sexual and Reproductive Rights on Women in the Labor Market
Women's sexual and reproductive rights affect their position on the labor market. Pregnancy and subsequent motherhood affects their economic (in)dependence as well as the subsequent division of time between work, unpaid work and personal life. The aim of the section is to open a discussion about the possibilities of combining family and working life, the position of single mothers on the labor market, menstruation and its impact on work performance, but also about the increasingly frequent decision of women not to have children and the impact of this decision on their position in labor relations. An important part of the topic is the anti-discrimination law, which includes the position of transgender or non-binary persons on the labor market. The section is also suitable for interdisciplinary contributions focused on, for example, health law and the availability of abortions or criminal law and sexual crimes.
Guarantors of the Section:
doc. JUDr. Lenka Freel, PhD.
Mgr. Denisa Homola Nevická, PhD.