Administrative Law Aspects of Cross-Border Cooperation between the Visegrad Group Countries
The section focuses on the importance and challenges of cross-border cooperation in public administration in the Visegrad Four countries. This cooperation is also important for the promotion and development of territorial self-government and local government in the border regions (e.g. in the fields of health, transport, education, environmental protection, etc.), as well as for the effective functioning of public administration at national level. The section offers a discussion on legal frameworks and instruments that promote cooperation between regions and states of the Visegrad Group in the field of public administration, including possible inspiration from foreign legal regulation in particular areas of public administration. The discussion also focuses on innovative approaches that enable the sharing of information and resources between public institutions in different jurisdictions, as well as on the role of technology in improving communication and cooperation in public administration.
Guarantors of the Section:
doc. JUDr. Zuzana Hamuľáková, PhD.
prof. Mgr. Yuliia Vashchenko, PhD.